Marie Anne Geiser Consultation hydrologie du colon

Irritable bowel : what are the benefits of colonic hydrology?

For thousands of years, different peoples have practised enema around the world. A universal hygiene to clean oneself from the inside. This enema is still practised today by many people who perform it on themselves by obtaining suitable equipment from pharmacies. But this colonic enema is also offered by professionals who use a high-performance machine that allows them to control the temperature, water flow and pressure. This professional enema allows the entire colon to be irrigated. Following the example of specialised professionals, we will use the term “enema” or “colonic enema” to designate both the enema that is performed without a machine and the one performed with an adapted machine. For colonic enemas performed by colonic hygienists with a specialised machine we speak more specifically of colonic irrigation or more frequently of colonic hydrology or finally colonic hydrotherapy.

With the colonic enema, we can speak of a real intestinal hygiene treatment which takes the form of a gentle but nevertheless thorough cleaning of the colon. This treatment aims to eliminate undigested residues that remain stuck in its corners and thus contributes to detoxify the body and act on its ailments. The parallel can be drawn with tooth brushing and/or a session at the dental hygienist’s (with his specialised equipment).

What are the benefits of a colonic enema? What does this treatment consist of? Find out more about this completely natural procedure, which is essential for strengthening the immune system.

What is a colonic enema?

The colonic enema is a technique for cleansing the large intestine (colon) using filtered water, to which is sometimes added, in very small quantities, a solution based on trace elements, plants and even, in some cases, probiotics. This is an ancestral method, which can be found at the time of Hippocrates, more than 4 centuries before Christ, and in many ancient civilisations (Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Chinese…).

L’objectif de ce soin est de prévenir les maladies ou dysfonctionnements causés par l’accumulation de déchets toxiques accumulés dans le gros intestin. Certains résidus restent coincés dans le côlon et peuvent être responsables de quantité de maux et douleurs à l’origine notamment d’une baisse de l’efficacité de nos défenses immunitaires.
Un lavement intestinal vise souvent à soulager les personnes souffrant entre autre de constipation, de ballonnements, de diarrhées, de fatigue physique et morale et ainsi relancer l’ensemble des fonctions d’élimination.

Colonic irrigation in practice

This treatment consists of gently irrigating the large intestine. The water passes through the entire colon to the cecum (about 1.5 metres). It is a delicate treatment that does not cause any pain. The colonic lavage must be performed by a specialist therapist.
A dedicated machine regulates the flow, pressure and temperature of the water.
A sterile, single-use cannula connects the machine to the patient’s rectum.
Colonic irrigation is a gentle method that works by soaking, not by washing or pressure. The therapist performs several successive baths (filling and evacuation cycles in a closed system) associated with an adapted abdominal massage. The massages will make it easier to loosen stagnant faeces embedded in the smallest corners of the colon.
During the treatment, it may be interesting to supplement the treatment with other products such as magnesium, colloidal silver, chlorophyll, coffee, probiotics, etc.

Can you clean your colon at home?

An enema can be performed alone, at home, with simple equipment (a bag, a hose and an anal cannula) but explanations and precautions are necessary. A colonic enema can be both stressful and risky if not performed correctly. It is therefore more prudent to consult qualified and experienced professionals than to do it yourself. This is why it is strongly recommended to perform this bowel care in specialised centres or clinics.
Colon enemas can also be performed directly in hospitals, especially in cases of chronic constipation or severe incontinence, or in patients with a colostomy (when the colon is directly “joined” to the skin and fitted with a collection bag).

What health benefits can we expect from a bowel enema?

The main purpose of the intestinal enema is to remove food residues that stagnate in the folds of the colon.
This congestion (mucoid plaque) as well as the various stored toxins, would be at the origin of many daily ills: headaches, asthma, allergies, eczema, psoriasis, menstrual pains, digestive discomfort…
The enema thus allows detoxification, which has the effect of bringing more vitality and lightness to the body.
It is recommended for people suffering from a light or sometimes heavy pathology, but also in a preventive health approach, in particular to reinforce the immune system (which is very opportune in this pandemic period).

How can the intestinal enema help strengthen our immune system?

Immune cells, which have a major role in defending against pathogens, are mainly located in the intestine (about 60-70% of our immune cells are located in the intestine).
Lifestyle hygiene, physical, emotional and psychological stress, lifestyle and “junk food” can lead to an imbalance in our intestinal flora (microbiota), which is called dysbiosis. This dysbiosis has a deleterious effect on the quality and quantity of our immune cells. Intestinal cleansing as large intestine hygiene helps to restore the balance of the intestinal flora, which is called eubiosis.
This can improve the natural functioning of the immune system.

The concrete benefits of the colonic enema on the body

It acts on the eliminatory organs (or emunctories) of the body, namely in addition to the colon, the liver, the lungs, the kidneys and the skin.
The intestinal enema is also known for its purifying action and therefore constitutes an excellent prevention. Like all detoxifying practices, it improves the assimilation of nutrients and helps with weight loss. It is particularly recommended to accompany fasting (abstinence from food for a shorter or longer period of time): before, during and after fasting.

Mild pathologies

The so-called “light” pathologies that “poison daily life” are most often: stomach ache, constipation, bloating, cramps, fatigue, tightness, eczema, skin problems, migraines, etc.

Serious pathologies

The so-called “heavier” pathologies may include inflammatory digestive diseases, autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases, degenerative diseases and long-term treatments.

Contraindications of the colonic enema

Pregnancy, colon cancer, recent visceral surgery less than 3 months old and certain acute inflammatory diseases are contraindications to the colonic enema.
It is therefore important to take the necessary time to carry out a health check before each treatment.

Salle de massage

Who to consult for a bowel enema?

Calling on specialised therapists (naturopaths, nurses, etc.), who are qualified and recognised by complementary insurance companies, will ensure that you are looked after by competent and caring experts. These health professionals are often attached to wellness centres or specialised clinics.

The course of a session at the Clinique Naturelle in Geneva

Before the first appointment, we give you a document with indications on the whole preparation and in particular what to eat before and after the treatment.
At the Clinique Naturelle our therapists always start the relationship with the patient with a health check. A thirty-minute history to understand your needs and the context. We check in particular the relevance of the treatment in a very personalized way. This is also an opportunity to answer all questions and queries before the treatment.

Personalized confidence building

We pay particular attention to ensuring that patients feel comfortable and that their needs are met. Thus, we make sure to respect an environment that favours relaxation and letting go.
There is a close link between the brain and the intestine. Each step of the treatment requires a real trust between the patient and the therapist.

Soft and modern technology

At the Clinique Naturelle, we attach great importance to patient comfort and hygiene.
We use modern machines that regulate the flow, pressure and temperature of the water. A sterile, single-use cannula connects the machine to the patient’s rectum.
During the filling process, the tempered water is gently pumped into the colon, accompanied by a gentle belly massage (against the direction of transit). This massage allows contact to be made, any blockages and tensions to be felt, breathing to be encouraged and relaxation to be achieved.
During the evacuation (in the pipe), we massage in the direction of the transit, insisting on the angles (hepatic, splenic and sigmoid) without forgetting the plexuses (nervous centres). These movements, this massage of the belly allow to hydrate, to make the residues attached to the mucous membrane take off. According to the needs and the state of the patient, several baths (or back and forth washing) will be performed.
The treatment ends with a visit to the toilet.
We end the session with an assessment, some feedback and a soothing herbal tea.

Colon hydrology therapists at the Clinique Naturelle :

Marie-Anne GEISER 
Hydrothérapeute du côlon depuis 2007
Naturopathe, nutritionniste
Co-fondatrice de la Clinique Naturelle à Genève

Hydrothérapeute du côlon depuis 2011

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