The most widely practiced method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM ), acupuncture involves stimulating certain areas of the body with very fine needles on precise points, called meridians. Its aim is to restore the body's energetic balance by improving the circulation of "Qi" energy in these meridians.

"Acupuncture at the Clinique Naturelle with Eric Zhao and Mickael LettASCA and RME-certified therapists.

How can acupuncture help?

  • Digestive system: diarrhea, constipationbloating, belching
  • Nervous system: stress, insomniaanxiety, migraine, overwork, fatigue
  • Respiratory and lymphatic system: colds, sinusitis, asthma, hay fever, flu, angina, otitis, covid
  • Gynecological system: amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain), irregular cycle, premenstrual syndrome, infertility, pregnancy and post-partum
  • Muscular system: lumbago, back pain, tendonitis, torticollis
  • Cardiovascular system: hypertension, hemorrhoids
  • Urinary system: cystitis, incontinence
  • Skin problems: psoriasis, eczema, acne
  • Weight loss
  • Hormonal problems: puberty, menopause

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a major discipline in traditional Chinese medicine, dating back over two thousand years.

For the ancient Chinese, the physical body is made up of a series of channels that link the organs together, like an electronic circuit board. These channels are known as acupuncture meridians.

An energy called Qi, in Chinese, circulates in these meridians and nourishes the whole body. If this energy is blocked and no longer circulates, organs and cells are no longer supplied as they need to be.

Many factors can cause Qi imbalances or blockages, triggering symptoms or even pathologies. These factors can be of various origins, such as accumulated emotions, inappropriate diet, overwork or weather conditions.

The aim of acupuncture is to fluidify and rebalance the circulation of energy in order to nourish cells and organs.

Recent studies on acupuncture show that it releases endorphins, corticosteroids, serotonin and other neurotransmitters from the central nervous system.

How does your acupuncture session work?

An acupuncture session with Eric ZHAO

His anamnesis:

Eric begins his session with an anamnesis, during which he examines the patient to determine any energetic imbalances. Visually, he checks his tongue, eyes, complexion and ears. He then checks the pulse and palpates the abdomen.

He then takes time with the patient to discuss and determine the objectives of the consultation.

Its treatment:

Eric places the needles and lets the patient relax to benefit fully from the stimulation of the acupuncture points. He accompanies his patients throughout the session to answer any questions they may have, and if necessary, uses this time to prescribe a herbal formula to complete the treatment. (To find out more, please consult our : Pharmacopoeia).

In the case of a herbal prescription, Eric takes care of ordering the formula from a laboratory. You'll start your treatment as soon as he receives it, and after you've received the instructions and exact dosage.

Acupuncture can also be accompanied by moxibustioncupping pharmacopoeia and auriculotherapy.

His follow-up :

For the duration of the treatment, Eric generally recommends a consultation every 3 to 4 weeks. However, for certain pathologies, he may recommend more regular follow-up. The frequency of consultations will be discussed with Eric at the end of your first appointment.

An acupuncture session with Mickael Lett

His anamnesis:

Mickael begins his treatment with an anamnesis, during which he assesses various aspects of the patient's physical condition in order to evaluate energy imbalances.

He or she listens to the patient's symptoms and discusses the reasons for the consultation and the patient's objectives.

Its treatment:

Each session lasts 1 hour. Treatments take place in a calm, peaceful atmosphere. It's important for the patient to feel comfortable and at ease, so as to enjoy the full benefits of the session. When the needles are inserted, the patient feels the "De Qi" (obtaining the Qi), in the form of a sensation of heat, cold, energy circulation, or even a slight jolt of electricity. This means that the needles are well placed. Patients generally relax during the needle break, and some even take a nap!

Depending on the assessment carried out and your needs, Mickael can suggest the most suitable treatment, or combination of treatments (Acupuncture, pharmacopoeia, TuiNa massage).

His follow-up :

To optimize the effectiveness of ongoing treatment, Mickael recommends regular follow-up. The aim is to stabilize the balance of Qi and work in progress.


(subscription valid for 1 year)

A one-hour session

A 1-hour session

160 CHF

Five sessions

5 sessions (5x1h)

750 CHF

Ten sessions

10 sessions (10x1h)

1400 CHF

We talk about acupuncture in this article "How can acupuncture support you during pregnancy and postpartum?"

Article by Eric Zhao, traditional Chinese medicine therapist - graduate of the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Pregnancy and the postpartum period can be hard on body and mind.

Morning sickness, back pain, bloating, stomach upsets, fatigue, stress... discomforts that can quickly become unbearable.

Acupuncture, a branch of Chinese medicine that dates back thousands of years, has proven its worth in relieving the many discomforts experienced by pregnant women, as well as helping them to prepare calmly for childbirth and regain their strength afterwards.

It can also help with miscarriage.

Traditional Chinese Medicine podcasts

Traditional Chinese medicine

A france inter podcast - Les Racines du ciel

With the participation of Dr Jean-Marc Kespi, Honorary President of the French Acupuncture Association