Complementing acupuncturemoxibustion tones the body's energy and helps improve immunity.
Moxibustion at the Clinique Naturelle with Eric Zhao and Mickael LettASCA and RME-certified therapists.
What is moxibustion?
Moxibustion is a method of traditional Chinese medicine.
It involves heating acupuncture points with a moxa stick or cone. Moxa is made from dried, powdered mugwort leaves.
The effects of moxibustion
The main effects of moxibustion are :
- invigorate energy
- fluidify the circulation of Qi and Blood in the meridians
- relieve pain
- improve the body's immunity.
How is moxibustion performed?
Moxibustion complementsacupuncture. It is a method that can be chosen by the therapist to reinforce acupuncture.
The moxa stick is positioned close to the point to be toned. The heat generated penetrates the meridian and tones the targeted areas.
The radiation, heat, odour and smoke generated by the moxa act together to produce the desired therapeutic effect.