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Marie zesiger

Marie Zesiger


Naturopath in traditional European medicine, specializing in psychological and psychosomatic disorders.

I take a natural approach to acute and chronic illnesses in children, adolescents, and adults. Passionate about the functioning of the human body and mind and convinced that the two are intimately linked, I am dedicated to helping everyone find their optimal physical and mental health.

ASCA Certified Therapist

My approach

I start with a comprehensive health assessment with the patient. Together, we review your overall health and discuss your specific issues. The goal is to understand the causes of your consultation and address the source of your problems. We set targeted therapeutic priorities with the aim of restoring health and balance. Finally, we choose the appropriate therapies for your situation that support your body on different levels.


My therapies

Training & experiences

  • Accredited by ASCA, RME, and Visana

See the reimbursement conditions of your supplementary insurance.

  • Federal Certificate OrTra MA in Traditional European Natural Medicine (MTE)
  • Diploma in Traditional European Medicine (MTE), EPSN
  • Diploma in Academic Medicine, EPSN

Languages Spoken:



