Qi Gong - The 6 therapeutic sounds method

As traditional Chinese medicine teaches, the harmonisation of energies is central to the development of vital energy. This method combines the emission of sounds with movements.

The sound emissions vibrate the energy of the different organs and the movements are designed to activate each of the twelve meridians.
The objective is to liberate accumulated emotions such as stress, anger or sadness so that the organs regain harmonious energy. This Qi Gong is taught in Chinese hospitals to accompany the remission of certain diseases such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism.
The class begins with a series of Qi Gong warm-ups and stretches before practicing the 6 therapeutic sounds.

The classes are given by Eric.

Eric has been practicing Qi Gong daily for 12 years. On a constant inner quest, he has learned from eminent teachers from the Taoist and Buddhist traditions. His practice has contributed in large part to his understanding of traditional Chinese medicine which requires a fine sensitivity to Qi.

Qi Gong literally means “the work of vital energy”. This ancient Chinese discipline is over 2000 years old and is based on a holistic view of life.

The movements of Qi Gong are gentle and slow and are combined with breathing techniques, visualisation and meditation. The consciousness is directed inwards to feel and act on the flow of energy. Gradually, we learn to master our Qi “vital energy”.

The benefits of QI GONG

  • Increase vitality: The energy reserve of our body increases with the practice of Qi Gong.
  • Boosting our immunity: Immunity depends directly on the energy level in the body. By increasing it, we stimulate our immune system.
  • Improving our mental capacities: some Qi Gong exercises are particularly aimed at developing the brain’s energy. The aim is to improve concentration, memory, creativity, etc.
  • Gain physical strength: The circulation of Qi improves with practice and allows a better arrival in the fascias and muscles, the body gains in tonicity.
  • Work on your emotional balance: in Chinese medicine, each emotion belongs to an organ. By using various techniques such as visualisation, one learns to identify and neutralise the negative emotions stored by certain organs and to transform them into positive emotions.

Who is it for?

Qi Gong is accessible to all and classes are held in semi-private or private and will be adapted to your needs.

Course timetable

Weekday evenings from 6pm to 7:30pm (contact us to book your evening)

Price (private lesson)

Trial session
30 CHF

A session lasts 1h30

Five sessions
550 CHF

5 sessions (5x1h30)

Price (course for 2 people)

Trial session
30 CHF

A session lasts 1h30

Five sessions
900 CHF

5 sessions (5x1h30)


Geneva, rue de Carouge 28 (Annexe de la Clinique Naturelle)
Phone : 022.508.73.50 – Email : contact-clinique@la-clinique-naturelle.ch

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